The Best Man

A wedding without a Best man would probably look a little strange. Just like a maid of Honor, the Best man walks the last days of singlehood into the first hours of marriage and if all goes well, walks the journey of marriage with the couple. It is expected that the Best man is a confidant to the groom as well as the couple.

The process of finding one may be easy if it is something the groom has been thinking about but can equally be tasking because it isn’t an easy decision to make.

As one walks down the aisle, it is with the best man by his side.

My parents got wedded in church when I was 13 years of age. I witnessed every bit of their preparation towards this day. My god mother was maid of honor to my mother and I know they had shared a friendship which goes on to date. Another friend and neighbour of my mother made her gown and wedding cake. I knew the women who surrounded my mother all so well.

My father’s best man on the hand, I didn’t have enough information on todate. My father had a number of colleagues and acquaintances all of whom didn’t make it to best man status.

Mr. Egwel, a man from Lira walked down the aisle with my father. They laughed I remember and talked quite a bit. It was beautiful. Whatever their relationship, it transcended optics and knowing the sort of man my father was, Egwel was a good man.

Years ago, around this timing of the calendar, I and my little sister were taken out of school to see my father and I believe say good bye to him as a few days later on 4th March he passed into glory.

Today, 28th February 2023, I woke to my sister announcing on the family platform that Mr. Egwel has passed.

I think of the timing and many things go through my head. I know that today the groom and best man meet in Glory. I believe they have done that wedding walk once again.

May Mr. Egwel, My Father’s Best Man rest in Eternal Glory.

One comment

  1. nkwanzikaragwa · February 28, 2023

    A beautiful and emotional piece.

    May both their souls continue to rest in person peace.


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