Day 2/22 Winter Blog 2021

I live with the Queen of Creativity. I see her everywhere I go. Whether or not she is around, I see her. It’s on the walls and the art and the scents and the everything. I live with the Mother of Creativity.

It’s both good and bad days. I get inspiration directly from the source and at times I take the praise on her behalf and it feels good.

And then there’s the bad days when I look and wonder what happened to me. Why can’t I match colors that well. Why can’t I be as artistic. If art was my pass to a meal, I would be dead from hunger. And so there are days I sit down and say naye God, did I miss the Creative adding room before I came to earth. Was I that much in a hurry?

And at that point I stop, and I am grateful I live with the Queen. Because from her table really, there’s plenty to draw from. From the art of creating spaces, Sanyu has taught me beauty is soothing. From her love of plants, I have also started to advice people that they need plants although mine seem to be on a dying spree but I will get there.

Through Qweshunga which is an art and play space, I have learnt the art of hosting, the art of moderation, which by the way I do a lot. More importantly I have learned to play. That even in the serious, there is time to play and laugh.

Sanyu’s home is a mini forest and mini flower garden. In there are herbs thrown here and there. It reminds me of the genes I missed from my mother who I stole flowers for from the nearby church. Her garden was as radiant as Penny’s and so with every space she creates, I am reminded of my mother.

Creatives like Sanyu Penelope give us a peace and serenity through their work that we would never be able to get eveb if we were paid because those juices just escaped us in heaven. Creatives allow us to enjoy life and a bit of heaven here on earth.

And so every where I turn I think to myself, this is soooo Sanyu or if Sanyu was here this would be a perfect clean wall for her to pour her color and bring a little heaven to that space.

Creatives are God’s way of telling us that there is much more to life than we can imagine


  1. vhusky27 · June 2, 2021

    Yeeeessss that girl….

    Liked by 1 person

  2. conniedia · June 2, 2021

    Sanyu PenelopešŸ¤—šŸ¤—

    I definitely want plants you encouraged me here


  3. Kudzanai · June 2, 2021

    I loved this piece. Thanks for sharing:)


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